19 May 2021

K Rend Response to COVID-19

Find out more on K Rend's Response to COVID-19.

We just want to keep you updated on our current position and response to COVID-19. We are still operating with a reduced team but are here to provide help and support to our customers.

We’ve implemented a range of measures across our sites to keep our team, customers and any visitors safe whilst adhering to the various local Government guidelines. Our sites in Kilwaughter, St Helens and Cork are open to customers whilst Glasgow still remains closed. However, we still remain contactable to all customers to provide the level of support and service you expect from us.

When you visit any of our sites, you will notice one way systems in place, social distancing being observed (and marked out to help implement the correct distance), hygiene stations to allow frequent hand washing and sanitisation, and plastic screens between desks and at reception areas. We have reduced the visits to sites where possible and control numbers where access is required.

We would ask for your help and support in continuing to adhere to the guidelines and control the spread of the virus. This means respecting the local Government advice if you or a member of your family have tested positive for COVID-19, displayed symptoms or come into contact with someone with the virus or are awaiting test results. Our team are also implementing the same procedures. Where a member of our team must visit your premises or site, we will be sure to respect the safety guidelines that you and your company have chosen to implement so please be sure to communicate any specific requirements ahead of a planned visit.

Our training courses have been postponed and will resume when it is safe to do so.

Health, Safety and Wellbeing remain our primary concern whilst maintaining our levels of customers service. We are happy to discuss these measures with any of our customers or visitors to site and provide reassurance where required.

In the meantime, Stay Safe and remember we are here to help!

The K Rend Team